What does webpack do?

‘What the heck does webpack (https://webpack.js.org) do?’ One of my biggest fears in my current projekt was to use a module bundler without the support of angular cli. And so I thought lets have a look inside the ominous bundle.js.

Author's profile picture Oliver Seitz on js, typescript, webpack, bundler, module, es5, es6, and __webpack_require__

C# 7 array deconstruction

Some of you might know that python has much semantic sugar implemented by default. One thing I want to focus on now it array deconstruction. I show you what I mean, just to make sure that we talk about the same thing.

Author's profile picture Oliver Seitz on c#7, c#, and programming

SELF driving Car - Part 1

Self driving cars are cool - reason enough to build one!

Author's profile picture Oliver Seitz on self-driving-car, raspberry-pi, and opencv

MNIST sensitivity to displacement

24 hours ago, I thought a simple feedforward network is enough for recognizing handwriting by using a network trained with MNIST - CRAP!

Author's profile picture Oliver Seitz on neuralnetworks, feedforward, cnn, html5, canvas, javascript, and mnist


Hey and welcome to my blog!

Author's profile picture Oliver Seitz on Welcome